Is the Television Series "Cosmos" Remotely Honest?

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By Richard Aberdeen
Published: Sep 28, 2014 01:41 AM GMT / 
Updated: Sep 28, 2014 01:41 AM GMT

According to the television series “Cosmos”, life “evolved” from “random, unguided, blind, natural” processes.  This grandiose superstition of spontaneously appearing life is just randomly pulled out of a black hole rabbit's hat, without a single shred of supporting evidence provided.

Perhaps the reason no evidence is provided is because there is none.  If we set aside how human science arbitrarily chooses to divide life up into various categories and instead, we view life as a larger part of the universal whole, a much different picture emerges.

Based on estimated “zillions” of exo-planets and, based on the fact necessary ingredients for life have been discovered far beyond earth, many scientists today believe life is abundant in the universe.  More importantly, many believe life probably existed long prior to our sun and solar system.

It's fair to assume what causes life came out of the big bang, is refined in stars and, is “seeded” abundantly throughout the greater Cosmos.  Where eventually, life arises on untold zillions of worlds, most likely in many exotic forms unknown to us.  The most likely conclusion is that life is embedded along with the rest of the universe, within a grand cosmic “mural” of ever-changing creation art, very far over the collective heads of humanity.

If one were to ask how far, consider that many scientists believe the universe has 10-11 or more dimensions, of which we can only detect three plus time.  Consider we ourselves are a “bio-universe” to an estimated ten trillion microbes inhabiting our bodies.  Suppose our planet shrank down to the size of a single atom but otherwise remained intact.

An atom is inconceivably smaller than a microbe, yet very large in comparison to various sub-atomic particles.  Suppose our now inconceivably tiny planet was located within a much larger microbe “galaxy”, the microbe in turn inhabiting a very much larger human being 

Suppose astronomers on this infinitesimally tiny planet, using the latest technology to penetrate far beyond their atom-sized world, while attempting to grasp the true nature of the inconceivably larger human being “universe” the microbe is inhabiting, proposed a “multiverse” theory of innumerable other human-sized universes.  Now we have just a tiny fraction sense of the difficulty of trying to understand, from our incomprehensibly limited earth-based view, when, where or how life initially arose.

Consider the arrogance of people on this atom-sized planet pretending to know that life within the scope of their detection, somehow magically “evolved”; that nobody created their atom-sized world, the microbe it inhabits, the larger human being or other “multiverse” human beings.  And all the while, denying that the larger buildings we humans inhabit are designed and created.

Suppose we add to this unfathomably dark and complex puzzle, several dimensions these scientists cannot detect, dimensions which human-sized scientists on our actual-sized earth, likewise can't detect.  Is it possible for science to either know or have any way of knowing, that life evolved from “random, blind, unguided, natural” processes?

Is the television series “Cosmos” remotely honest?  You decide.

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